DiGRA Mexico

About the Chapter

DIGRA Mexico is the official branch of the Digital Games Research Association (DIGRA) in Mexico. It brings together game researchers, scholars, students and game professionals in the game industry from all regions of the country, with the intention of fostering collaboration at national and international levels, as well as promoting local approaches in game studies DiGRA Mexico is non-profit and voluntary based.

The DIGRA Mexico Chapter aims at:

  • Promoting the scientific nature of the field of game studies, orienting research institutions and funding agencies throughout Mexico to embrace video games as an valuable area.
  • Fostering networking and collaboration between Mexican game researchers, scholars, students and professionals in the game industry.
  • Promoting local approaches in game studies, as well as local research.
  • Supporting teaching on game-related subjects in all levels of education, principally at Universities.
  • Promoting links between researchers, scholars and game developers.
  • Making international research more accessible to Mexican stakeholders, who are often unable to participate in main DIGRA given geographical distances.
  • Bridging the gap between the international community and Mexican game researchers, scholars, students due to linguistic restrictions.

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