
CHI PLAY 2017: Third Call for Participation


4th ACM SIGCHI Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play

Submission deadlines

*    March 3, 2017: Workshop proposals

*    April 14, 2017: Full papers

*    May 26, 2017:  Course proposals

*    June 30, 2017: Spotlight papers, Game competition, and Works-in-progress

*    July 14, 2017:  Doctoral consortium

Game exhibition: To be announced shortly

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

October 15 – 18, 2017

CHIPLAY.org | #chiplay17

CHI PLAY is the international and interdisciplinary conference, sponsored by ACM SIGCHI, for researchers and professionals across all areas of play, games, and human-computer interaction (HCI). We call this area ’player-computer interaction’. The goal of the CHI PLAY conference is to highlight and foster discussion on high quality research in games and HCI, as foundations for the future of digital play. To this end, the conference blends academic research papers, interactive demos, and industry case studies.



As a SIGCHI-sponsored conference, CHI PLAY welcomes contributions that further an understanding of the player experience, as well as contributions on novel designs or implementations of player-computer interactions, including but not limited to the following:


– Playful interactions and new game mechanics

– Studies of applied games and player experiences

– Games & Play for health

– Games & Play for learning

– Tangible play

– Persuasive games

– Games for change

– Neurogames

– Gamification

– …

– Accessible and inclusive game design

– Advances in game user research and game evaluation methods

– Psychology of players and game design

– Virtual and augmented reality  in games

– Novel game controls or display technologies for games

– Tools for game creation

– Innovations in game design and development practices

– Game analytics and novel visualizations of player experiences

– Developer experiences and studies of developers

– Industry case studies


Although CHI PLAY welcomes contributions on the effects of various technologies, software, or algorithms on player experience, technical contributions without clear indications of the impact on players or developers are not within the scope of CHI PLAY.


Up to 10 pages, in SIGCHI Extended Abstract format, references excluded

Spotlight papers are archived in the companion proceedings in the ACM Digital Library and presented as a short talk and discussion session at the conference

Important dates

June 30, 2017:    Submission Spotlight papers

August 7, 2017: Notification of acceptance

August 14, 2017: Final camera-ready papers due


By bringing research and industry closer the game research, design and development community can benefit. As a result, this year CHIPLAY is trying something fresh, a new track, called ‘Spotlight Papers’, which will highlight significant work from both industry and research – from innovative implementations to thought-provoking case studies. The track is particularly suitable for individuals, studios, and companies who want to showcase their work and share lessons learned from success and failure. Submissions can be up to 10 pages long (in SIGCHI Extended Abstract format, references excluded). We also encourage authors to submit videos to accompany their submissions. Spotlight papers will be juried by a panel of experts. Authors of accepted submissions will be invited to give a short talk at CHIPLAY in Amsterdam. In addition, authors will be asked to bring a demonstration of their work that will be discussed with the audience phase held immediately after the presentation. The authors work could, for example, be demonstrated using posters, videos, tech-demos, or prototypes.


Up to 6 pages in SIGCHI Extended Abstract format, excluding references

Works-in-progress are archived in the companion proceedings in the ACM Digital Library and presented as a poster at the conference

Important dates

June 30, 2017:    Submission Work in Progress papers

August 7, 2017: Notification of acceptance

August 14, 2017: Final camera-ready papers due


Work-in-Progress contributions provide a unique opportunity for late-breaking results to be presented in a poster format. Accepted submissions will be presented as a poster at the conference. Posters papers will be peer-reviewed and archived in the companion proceedings, which is published in the ACM Digital Library. We encourage authors to submit a video figure to support their submission, and the committee will choose the best videos to be part of a plenary session at the conference.


4 pages in SIGCHI Extended Abstract format, excluding references

Courses are run at the conference with any participants that choose to register

Important dates

May 26, 2017:     Course proposal submissions (by prospective course organizers)

June 23, 2017: Course proposal notification (to prospective course organizers)

September 11, 2017:    Course registration deadline

Courses at CHI PLAY should allow participants to learn new hands-on knowledge about player-game interaction, development and evaluation. They are great opportunities for industry pros to teach their knowledge to an interested audience and allow interdisciplinary knowledge development between practitioners and researchers. If you work in game education/research or game development and are eager to teach a workshop at CHI PLAY, we look forward to your submission.


4 pages describing the game and approach in SIGCHI Extended Abstract format, excluding references

Student game competition abstracts are archived in the companion proceedings in the ACM Digital Library and presented in the game competition at the conference

Important dates

June 30, 2017:    Submission Game Design Competition papers

July 24 , 2017: Notification of acceptance

July 31, 2017: Final camera-ready abstracts due


The CHI PLAY Student Game Design Competition will provide a unique opportunity for students to showcase their interactive play systems and designs. Students will need to submit a video of their game as well as proof of student status (full-time or part-time, all levels up to Ph.D.). A jury panel will nominate the best submissions for an interactive presentation at the conference, where a panel of experts chooses the winners.


4 pages in in SIGCHI Extended Abstract format and a three to four-page Appendix, poster presentation at the conference

Important dates

July 14, 2017:     Paper deadline

July 31, 2017: Notification

August 14, 2017: Camera-ready deadline


The one-day CHI PLAY 2017 Doctoral Consortium provides an opportunity for Doctoral students to explore and develop their research interests in games and HCI in an interdisciplinary workshop, under the guidance of a panel of distinguished researchers. We invite students who feel they would benefit from this kind of feedback on their dissertation work to apply for this unique opportunity to share their work with students in a similar situation as well as senior researchers in the field. The strongest candidates will be those who have a clear topic and research approach, and have made some progress, but who are not so far along that they can no longer make changes. In addition to stating how you will gain from participation, both you and your advisor should be clear on what you can contribute to the Doctoral Consortium. Students need to provide a letter of recommendation by their PhD supervisor. Papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library.


In the same vein of other recent initiatives at CHI (e.g. Art.CHI 2016 exhibition), the CHI PLAY community will also explore playful interaction in digital art and games, both from industry and from individual independent designers. To this end, a play exhibition will be organized during the conference. A separate call for submissions, including theme, specifications, and requirements will be issued at a later date.



** CHI PLAY 2017


*    4th ACM SIGCHI Annual Symposium on Computer-Human Interaction in Play

*    http://chiplay.org

*    Twitter: #chiplay17


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