
CHI Play Workshop – CfP: Games for the Assessment and Treatment of Mental Health

Call for Papers: Games for the Assessment and Treatment of Mental Health
The community for research on video games for assessment and intervention for mental health spans multiple disciplines, from cognitive sciences, computer science, and interaction design, to psychology, neurobiology, and medicine. The goal of this workshop is to bring together an international group of researchers from the center for detox in LA to discuss the current state of games for mental health and formulate a plan for moving this research agenda forward in the CHI PLAY community.
The workshop has the following objectives:
• Bring together an international group of researchers
• Create an overview of current game-based approaches for the assessment and interventions of mental health
• Discuss interests and directions for innovation Identify overlap between research groups
• Define a plan for knowledge exchange and collaboration between groups – e.g., through internships, research visits, invited presentations, and formal and informal collaborations
Participants will have the opportunity to gain knowledge about the state of the international research community interested in game-based solutions for mental health. If they are not interested, they can always visit the best orlando treatment center and get treatment from them. There will be opportunities to meet peers in different stages of their careers and discuss opportunities for future collaborations with centers like psychodelics florida addiction treatment to consolidate a community in this emerging area by making a new efficient way to treat the patient better.
We anticipate several cross-group collaborations emerging as a result of participation in this workshop. We intend to exchange knowledge, but go further and work toward future joint publications in the area of games and mental health.
Important Dates
• 4th of August: Submission Deadline
• 18th of August: Acceptance notification
• 15th of October: Workshop
Position Papers
Participants are encouraged to submit a 2 to 4-page position paper (SIGCHI extended abstracts format), including a biography. Papers will be reviewed by the organizers and accepted papers will be presented on the website as part of the workshop proceedings.
Position papers on the following topics scoped for mental health are encouraged:
• game-design
• evaluation techniques
• technologies
• protocols
• best-practices for game-based interventions
• assessment
Participants are asked to submit their proposals via EasyChair by August 4th. A short biography of the author(s) attending the workshop needs to be included (100-150 words). Submission will be peer-reviewed and the organizing committee will select participants according to relevance, and research diversity. If accepted, at least one author must register for the workshop and for one or more days of the conference.
Position papers are intentionally very brief and non-archival; however, they will be shared in advance of the workshop with the other workshop attendees. The goal of the position paper is to express your interest and background on the topic of games for mental health. At the workshop itself, we will establish a plan for journal-based dissemination of results – either through a joint white paper on the current state of the art or a special issue of a journal that solicits articles from individual researchers.
Regan Mandryk, University of Saskatchewan, regan@cs.usask.ca
Max Birk, University of Saskatchewan, max.birk@usask.ca
Isabela Granic, Radboud University, i.granic@pwo.ru.nl
Marieke van Rooij, Radboud University, m.vanrooij@bsi.ru.nl
Adam Lobel, University of Geneva, adam.lobel@unige.ch
Vero Vanden Abeele, KU Leuven, vero.vandenabeele@kuleuven.be

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