Critical Game Design Graduate Conference 2025

Date: April 26th, 2025.
Location: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Troy, NY, USA.
Theme: organizations

We are pleased to invite you to the second annual Critical Game Design Regional Graduate Conference. Held in conjunction with GameFest ’25, the conference will facilitate space for sharing new and emerging graduate research in the field of game studies, with a particular focus on graduate students in programs or residence in the North American Northeast and Mid-Atlantic.

Call for Papers
Deadline: February 21st, 2025

The conference organizers are accepting papers for the 2025 conference. Graduate scholars are invited to submit abstracts for research relating or of interest to games studies. Authors do not need to be in a games studies graduate program to apply. This year’s theme is: organizations. As part of a new field of discourse and study, what organizes us, our epistemological frameworks, and institutions? How do games organize representations, interfaces, poetics, and systems? What power do games have to organize change in the world and our communities?

The requirements are as follows:
– Author(s) must be current graduate students (or have graduated Spring 2025)
– Can travel to the North-East region of the United States (we cannot support remote participation currently. We hope to change this in the future and appreciate your understanding).

Submissions must be in the form of an abstract between 200-250 words (not including bibliography). Author names and institutions should be included as well as keywords
to describe the content of the talk (This information does not count towards the word limit). Talks will be 20 minutes with 10 minutes for questions.

You can submit abstracts and questions to cgdgconf [at]

Many thanks,
Graduate Game Studies Association @ RPI

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