
Deadline Extension: CFP Computational Creativity and Games Workshop to April 25th

Deadline Extension: Due to popular demand we have extended our deadline to April 25th. We hope this will prove helpful to prospective authors and very much look forward to your submission.




Computational Creativity and Games Workshop (CCGW 2017)

CCGW 2017

June 19th, 2017 – Atlanta, Georgia

Submission deadline (extended): April 25, 2017




In 1849 Richard Wagner coined the term “Gesamtkunstwerk”, roughly translating to “total work of art”, to describe media that integrates many forms of creative expression.  In the modern age digital games reflect this Gesamtkunstwerk spirit, combining music, art, animation, performance, narrative, and programming in a cohesive, computational whole. This makes games well-suited to a wide range of computational creativity research including autonomous creative agents, experimental co-creative tools, and overviews of historical and potential creative applications. The 3rd workshop on Computational Creativity and Games focuses on and highlights research at the intersection of games and creativity.




Papers may cover a variety of topics within computational creativity in digital games, including but not limited to:

+Generative techniques that focus on creativity in either approach or content (e.g. procedural content generation (PCG) or automated game generation)

+Automatic evaluation of game content or gameplay

+Automatic gameplay (especially work that focuses on gameplay as performance)

+Co-creative game design tools

+Cultural issues relating to generative software and games or game design

+Surveys, ontologies and reports of computationally creative software in games




We welcome paper submissions up to 8 pages (including references). Due to a tight review schedule, papers over 8 pages may be rejected without review. The review process will be single-blind, but you are welcome to make your papers anonymous. All papers must be submitted as a PDF document formatted according to ICCC style (which is similar to AAAI and IJCAI formats). Formatting instructions, as well as LaTeX and Word style files are provided in the ICCC Author Kit (http://computationalcreativity.net/iccc2017/ICCC-author-kit.zip).

Papers should be submitted through EasyChair: http://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ccgw17. Accepted papers must be presented by an author on June 19, 2017 at Georgia Institute of Technology (Georgia Tech), Atlanta, Georgia.




Submission deadline (extended) – April 25, 2017

Author notification – May 5, 2017

Camera-ready deadline – May 20, 2017

Workshop – June 19, 2017

We will announce any changes to these details on our website (http://www.ccgworkshop.org/), through Twitter and through mailing lists.




Matthew Guzdial – Georgia Tech

Gabriella A. B. Barros – New York University

Amy K. Hoover – Northeastern University




Cameron Browne

Mike Cook

Jeremy Gow

Kazjon Grace

Sarah Harmon

Britton Horn

Mikhail Jacob

Anna Jordanous

Phil Lopes

Antonios Liapis

Jialin Liu

Rebecca Rouse

Kristin Siu

Gillian Smith

Sam Snodgrass

Julian Togelius

Dan Ventura

Georgios N. Yannakakis

Alex Zook


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