DiGRA: Candidate for Executive Board – Esther MacCallum-Stewart (Vice President)

Dr. Esther MacCallum-Stewart, University of Chichester, UK.

I am the current Vice President of DiGRA and have served in this capacity for the last two years. Before this I was an active Board member for the preceeding two years. I am appling for re-election as Vice President.

I am a relatively new scholar with interests in communities, fan practices, role-play and game narratives; especially those told by players about the games themselves. As a member of the Board I have been actively involved in the organisation of DiGRA, in particular through working parties for the organisation of future development and student representation. I am also involved in the UK chapter which is being instigated by Astrid Ensslin. I am committed to the tenets of DiGRA and in bringing Games Studies to a wider audience, as well as providing support and an active platform for those already established within the organisation, and the DiGRA network as it continues to expand on both International and local levels.

DiGRA Board Elections 2012
Information on the DiGRA Association Rules and Bylaws can be found here:

The elections will take place at the AGM being held at Nordic DiGRA on June 7, 2012 between 9-10 am, Technopolis Yliopistonrinne building, Kalevantie 2, Tampere, Finland. Provisions will be made for voting online. Details will be posted on the DiGRA newsfeed as well as the mailing list.

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