Graduate Recruitment awards in Games Studies at Concordia in Montreal for Sept 2014

Concordia University and the Technoculture, Art and Games Research Centre ( are offering substantial 3 year PhD recruitment awards (up to $25,000 CAD per year not including other awards and fellowships) for students wishing to pursue graduate work in humanities/cultural studies related game studies. This initiative is offered in conjunction with a 7 year Canadian network grant called IMMERSe (the Interactive and Multi-Modal Experience Research Syndicate) which involves researchers and students at the University of Waterloo, University of California at Davis, McMaster University and Ryerson University (amongst others).

The specific focus of our Concordia recruitment program is games and narrative (broadly conceived) and we are interested in funding students on projects as varied as: game writing and game writers, literature and games, player storytelling and fan cultures, procedural narrative and platform studies, cultural theory and video games, narrative mod research/creation, NPC studies and narrative AI, and game media history/archeology.  Whew.

This award is tenable for students accepted in one of the following PhD programs at Concordia: The PhD in Humanities program, The Individualized Program in Game Studies and Design, and the PhD in Social and Cultural Analysis.  The deadline for applications for PhD programs at Concordia is January 15th and if you are interested in our recruitment program please contact Dr. Darren Weshler (d.wershler [at] before the 15th.

For more information see:

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