
IEEE CIG 2017: Call for short papers, competition papers and vision papers

Call for Short Papers, Competition Papers and Vision Papers
2017 IEEE Conference on Computational Intelligence and Games (CIG)
August 22-25, New York, NY, USA

The regular CIG deadline has already passed and reviewing is underway,
but you have not yet missed your chance to submit a paper to CIG 2017!
The late paper deadline is

May 15, 2017

Three types of papers can be submitted by this deadline:

Short papers (2-4 pages):
Short papers describe work in progress, smaller projects that are not
yet ready to be published as a full paper, or new progress on projects
that have been reported elsewhere. Any topic related to AI and games
is welcome.

Competition papers (up to 8 pages):
CIG has a long list of game-based AI competitions, allowing
benchmarking of AI methods on an unprecedented range of games:
Competition papers describe research related to one of the
competitions at CIG, including the design of new competitions and in
particular submissions to existing competitions. It is possible to
participate in competitions without submitting papers, but it is
encouraged to submit a paper on your competition entry.

Vision papers (up to 8 pages):
Vision papers describe a vision for the future of the CIG field or
some part of it, are based on extensive research, and include a
comprehensive bibliography.

All submitted papers will be fully peer-reviewed, and accepted papers
will be published in the conference proceedings and on IEEE Xplore.
Short papers will be allocated poster presentations and short oral
presentations if time and space permits; vision papers will be
allocated regular oral presentation slots; competition papers will be
allocated short or regular oral presentation. Reviewing standards for
competition papers are as high as for regular CIG papers, and
standards for vision papers are higher.

CfP game:
If you like games, AI, and writing papers (you presumably do if you’ve
read this far) you should play Kate Compton’s Call for Papers Game
“Revisions”, which is the official Call for Papers Game of CIG 2017.

Organizing Committee:
General Chairs: Julian Togelius and Andy Nealen
Program Chairs: Clare Bates Congdon and Michael Buro
Publicity and Media Chairs: Kate Compton and Mike Cook
Tutorials Chair: Noor Shaker
Competitions Chair: Ruck Thawonmas
Local Chair: Aaron Isaksen

Remote participation policy:
If visa restrictions or other political events prevent you from
traveling to the US, you can participate remotely, including
presenting your paper. Every accepted paper must be presented by a
paying conference attendee, preferably in person but remotely for
those unable to attend for visa or political events.

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