The Department of Communication and New Media Studies at Alma College invites applications for a tenure track Assistant Professor position in New Media Studies. Applicants should have expertise in interactive media with specialization in one or more of the following areas: game studies, mobile technologies, 3D design, or user experience design.
Ideal candidates will bridge theory and practice both in their scholarship and teaching, able to pose important questions with creative hands-on applications. Research and pedagogical styles that complement immersive learning experiences and travel courses are especially welcome.
New Media Studies (NMS) is an interdisciplinary program within Alma’s liberal arts curriculum that includes the departments of Art, Communication, Computer Science, English, Music, and Physics. Alma’s full-time teaching load includes six courses per academic year. Courses are taught during two 14-week semesters and a 4-week intensive May term.
A Ph.D. in new media studies or terminal degree in a related discipline is required for tenure-track appointment. All applicants should demonstrate excellent teaching skills and clear potential for ongoing contributions to the scholarship of the field.
Review of applications will begin December 1, 2015. Applicants should submit the following materials via email: a cover letter, a current CV, a teaching statement, evidence of teaching effectiveness; a digital portfolio of representative scholarly and creative work, and three letters of recommendation to:
Dr. Joanne Gilbert, Chair
Department of Communication and New Media Studies
Alma College
614 W Superior St.
Alma, MI 48801
A Phi Beta Kappa institution, Alma is a selective, baccalaureate liberal arts college committed to academic excellence and an equal opportunity employer committed to recruiting and retaining a diverse faculty, staff and student body. For more information about the College, visit