Job: New Editor of Games and Culture: A Journal of Interactive Media

Games and Culture: A Journal of Interactive Media (GAC) announces a search for the journal’s next editor.  Theeditor will serve a three-year term beginning in January 2014.  This editorial term is potentially renewable upon mutual agreement between the editor and SAGE Publications.

GAC publishes six issues annually, and each issue typically contains four articles. The editor will be responsible for soliciting, reviewing, and making final decisions on all submissions to the journal, and will manage all aspects of the publication and review process using the Manuscript Central electronic submission and review platform. The editor will be expected to work with the publisher to ensure timely and accurate delivery of manuscripts for publication.


GAC is an international journal that publishes innovative theoretical and empirical research about games and culture within interactive media. The journal serves as a leading outlet for ground-breaking work in the field of game studies. GAC’s Impact Factor in the 2012 Journal Citation Reports was 0.714, and it is ranked 4/38 in Cultural Studies and 39/72 in Communication.


GAC’s scope includes the socio-cultural, political, and economic dimensions of gaming from a wide variety of perspectives, including textual analysis, political economy, cultural studies, ethnography, critical race studies, gender studies, media studies, public policy, international relations, and communication studies.


One of the primary goals of the journal is to foster dialogue among the academic, design, development, and research communities that will influence both game design and research about games within various public contexts.  A second goal is to examine how gaming and interactive media are being used outside of entertainment, including in education, for the purposes of training, for military simulation, and for political action.


Applicants should have a distinguished scholarly record and experience in academic leadership roles. Applicants should also possess strong organizational and management skills, the ability to work well with others, and a commitment to GAC’s mission.


SAGE Publications provides GAC with editorial support, but the institution that hosts the journal will also be expected to provide support for the editor and the journal office. Your application should indicate the expected level of institutional support, which might come in the form of additional faculty release time, travel funds, summer salary, office space, utilities, the use of computers and other office equipment, support for a full time Managing Editor, student workers, and/or other basic expenses.


Applicants should send a letter of application which includes their vision for the future of the journal and a description of their qualifications for the editorship.  Applicants should also include copies of their CV and documentation indicating prospective institutional support.


Applications, nominations and requests for additional information should be sent electronically to the GAC editorial team at SAGE, for the attention of  Please put “GAC editor application” in the subject line of your email.

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