Job: Positions on character animation, crowd simulation, interactions and avatars in VR

The Inria group in Rennes working on character animation, crowd simulation, interactions and avatars in VR, is recruting PhD candidates and research fellows on several of these topics. Here are some of the positions currently open, with more details available on the corresponding job offers.

PhD position:

  • Realistic, Reactive and Interactive Virtual Humans for Virtual Reality (H2020 ICT 25 PRESENT),

Postdoc positions:

  • Personalising Virtual Character Motions for Crowd Animation (ANR JCJC PER2),
  • Physio-synchronised 3D virtual avatars (INRIA IPL AVATAR),
  • Video-based crowd motion analysis,

R&D technical position

  • Project manager for Robotics and Smart environments (H2020 ICT 25 CROWDBOT),
  • Engineer for video analysis of crowd movements,

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