Job: Postdoc (3 years) @ Gamification Group @ TUT, Finland (H2020–Marie Curie IF)


  • Gamification Group backed up by Tampere University of Technology will jointly develop a competitive MSCA IF proposal with the applicant
  • The applicant is offered paid trip (1 week) to Tampere, Finland to prepare the application
  • Tampere University of Technology is committed to fund a salaried third year on top of the MSCA IF funding
  • Tampere University of Technology (TUT) is committed to fund in addition to the two years of the fellowship a third year for successfully completed European Fellowships (in the Gamification Group (GG) / Pervasive Computing lead by Dr. Juho Hamari).

To help apply for MSCA IF funding, we offer a fully funded stay of up to one week at TUT to Experienced Researchers invited to meet the Gamification Group/Juho Hamari at TUT. The University’s Research Services facilitate the visit. The stay aims to jointly develop a competitive MSCA IF-proposal and the applicant will receive professional coaching in proposal writing.

Researchers interested to perform their research at GG/TUT should verify that they fulfil the respective eligibility criteria and then send an Expression of Interest as soon as possible (but no later than 15th of June), by email to: and with the following reference: “MSCA IF “your lastname“. You can also make inquiries to Juho Hamari beforehand about the research group and possible research topics –

Expression of Interest must be in PDF-format and consist of a CV adhering to the MSCA IF format, a one-page summary of the research proposal (see below) and information that you are planning to conduct research in the Gamification Group/Juho Hamari
Horizon 2020 MSCA IF deadline: 14 September 2017.

Further information:


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