Journal: First Issues of the International Journal of Game-Based Learning (IJGBL) now available

IJGBL is devoted to the theoretical and empirical understanding of game-based learning. To achieve this aim, the journal publishes theoretical manuscripts, empirical studies, and literature reviews. The journal publishes this multidisciplinary research from fields that explore the cognitive and psychological aspects that underpin successful educational video games.

Details below

Content of this issue:

The articles included in this issue touch on the most important challenges in GBL, and provide a comprehensive overview of the current state of play in Europe and the United States of America. These papers, authored by noted scholars, illustrate key debates and trends such as the formalization of guidelines for GBL (Pivec and
Pivec), the assessment of educational video games (Becker), the design of environments that accounts for users’ emotions (Raybourn), the creation of adaptive and personalized game mechanics to improve learning and motivation (Kickmeier-Rust, Mattheiss et al.), the utilization of video games for science education (Anagnostou and
Pappa), and the improvement of motivation and engagement in educational video games (Whitton).

Articles featured in the first issue include:

– Digital Games: Changing Education, One Raid at a Time.
By Paul Pivec and Maja Pivec

– The Magic Bullet: A Tool for Assessing and Evaluating Learning Potential in Games
By Katrin Becker

– Honing Emotional Intelligence with Game-Based Crucible Experiences
By Elaine Raybourn

– A Psycho-Pedagogical Framework for Multi-Adaptive Educational Games
By Michael Kickmeier-Rust, Elke Mattheiss, Christina Steiner and Dietrich Albert

– Video Game Genre Affordances for Physics Education
By Kostas Anagnostou and Anastasia Pappa

– Encouraging Engagement in Game-Based Learning
By Nicola Whitton

More information on the content of the first issue of IJGBL can be found on the following page:

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