Journal: July 2015 issue of Games and Culture is now available

Tanya Krzywinska writes:
I’m delighted to announce that there is a new, and exciting, edition of Games and Culture out. Here’s the table of contents:

Emitexts and Paratexts: Propaganda in EVE Online by Marcus Carter

Russian Overlords, Vodka, and Logoffski: Russian- and English- Language Discourse About Anti-Russian Xenophobia in the EVE Online Community by Catherine Goodfellow

Alienated Playbour: Relations of Production in EVE Online by Nicholas Taylor, Kelly Bergstrom, Jennifer Jenson,
and Suzanne de Castell

Implicit Game Aesthetics by Chris Bateman

Thank you to all the reviewers and authors whose generosity has helped to make this edition happen.

You may like to know that Games and Culture will be moving to 6 editions per year, which will help with throughput. As such I encourage you to submit to the journal and to get in touch if you’d like to offer your services as a reviewer.

Thank you


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