Journal: New issue of The Fibreculture Culture guest edited by Tom Apperley and Michael Dieter

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Table of contents below

FCJ-106 Rule Making and Rule Breaking: Game Development and the Governance of Emergent Behaviour
Jennifer R. Whitson

FCJ-107 The Assemblage of Cheating: How to Study Cheating as Imbroglio in MMORPGs
Stefano de Paoli and Aphra Kerr

FCJ-108 Virtual-World Naturalism
Daniel Reynolds

FCJ-109 Play, Create, Share? Console Gaming, Player Production and Agency
Olli Sotamaa

FCJ-110 Relations of Control: Walkthroughs and the Structuring of Player Agency
Daniel Ashton and James Newman

FCJ-111 Playing with Game Time: Auto-Saves and Undoing Despite the ‘Magic Circle’
Chuk Moran

FCJ-112 Magic Frames: The Best of All Possible Virtual Worlds
Darshana Jayemanne

FCJ-113 Games of Multitude
Nick Dyer-Witheford and Greig de Peuter

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