On Thursday evening, 10th of December, iMinds-SMIT (VUB) and DiGRA Flanders present “Ludic City 4: Brussels at Play”. We kindly invite you to this fourth edition of the Ludic City lectures focus on gaming and play in relation to the public environment, and urban and everyday culture.
Lizzy Bleumers writes:
This year, we give the floor to 4 speakers who are all active in Brussels (where the lecture take place). Please join us if you want to know more about how gaming and play are part of their practice; in socio-cultural work (Eric Gijssen, MAKS vzw), game development (Sven Van de Perre, Monkube), the organisation of a festival (Nicolas Boseret, Brussels Games Festival) and research (Katleen Gabriels, VUB).
Registration is free but required (http://smit.vub.ac.be/Conference/LDC4/Registration)
Kind regards and hope to see you there,
Lizzy Bleumers
P.S. I strongly recommend attending this event live – if you can make it – as it will not be streamed. Some (but not all) materials of past editions have been made available on vimeo, however, for those interested but unable to make the trip to Brussels: https://vimeo.com/channels/ludiccity