Here’s the Table of Contents from the upcoming May issue of Games and Culture.
Hearty thanks to everyone, authors and reviewers, who helped make this diverse issue possible. Games and Culture relies on the generosity of so many (smile emoticon).
Christopher B. Patterson
Role-Playing the Multiculturalist Umpire: Loyalty and War in BioWare’s Mass Effect Series
Andreas Lieberoth
Shallow Gamification: Testing Psychological Effects of Framing an Activity as a Game
Christothea Herodotou, Niall Winters, and Maria Kambouri
An Iterative, Multidisciplinary Approach to Studying Digital Play Motivation: The Model of Game Motivation
Toby Smethurst and Stef Craps
Playing with Trauma: Interreactivity, Empathy, and Complicity in The Walking Dead Video Game
Asaf Friedman
The Role of Visual Design in Game Design