
New Issue of ToDiGRA (Vol. 1, No. 3) – “Physical and Digital in Games and Play”

This is special issue on “Physical and Digital in Games and Play”. The issue editors are Frans Mäyrä, Katriina Heljakka, and Anu Seisto.  A big thanks to the issue editors and all authors for your work!

The issue is available for download and print-on-demand from http://press.etc.cmu.edu/todigra/ and individual articles can be downloaded from http://todigra-old-site.local .
Transactions of the Digital Games Research Association (ToDIGRA) is a quarterly, international, open access, refereed, multidisciplinary journal dedicated to research on and practice in all aspects of games. ToDIGRA is published in print as well as electronically. ToDIGRA does not currently accept unsolicited submissions. Submissions must be directed towards a specific call for paper and conform to the specific focus of that call.

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