
New Issue ToDiGRA: DiGRA Australia 2016 Queensland Symposium Special Issue

It gives me much pleasure to announce the latest issue of Transactions of the Digital Games Research Association! We’re up to volume 3, issue 1. This time around we have a special issue guest-edited by Christy Dena and Brendan Keogh featuring extended and reworked papers from the 2016 DiGRA Australia regional symposium held in Brisbane, Queensland.  Many thanks to the editors, authors, reviewers, and partners at ETC press who helped put this fantastic issue together!

Christy Dena, Brendan Keogh

Ways of Being: Pervasive Game Design Ethos in Urban Codemakers
Steven Conway, Troy Innocent

Finding a Way: Techniques to Avoid Schema Tension in Narrative Design
Christy Dena

Scarcity and Survival Horror: Trade as an Instrument of Terror in Pathologic
Julian Novitz

Adolescents as Game Designers: Developing New Literacies
Pilar Lacasa, Sara Cortés, María Ruth García-Pernía

About ToDiGRA
Transactions of the Digital Games Research Association (ToDiGRA) is a quarterly, international, open access, refereed, multidisciplinary journal dedicated to research on and practice in all aspects of games. ToDiGRA captures the wide variety of research within the game studies community combining, for example, humane science with sociology, technology with design, and empirics with theory.
As such, the journal provides a forum for communication among experts from different disciplines in game studies such as education, computer science, psychology, media and communication studies, design, anthropology, sociology, and business. ToDiGRA is sponsored by the Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA), the leading international professional society for academics and professionals seeking to advance the study and understanding of digital games.

ToDIGRA is printed on-demand by ETC Press, an academic, open source, multimedia, publishing imprint affiliated with the Entertainment Technology Center (ETC) at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and in partnership with Lulu.com.

Further information on DiGRA is available at http://www.digra-old-site.local
Further information on ToDiGRA is available at http://todigra-old-site.local
For ordering print copies: http://press.etc.cmu.edu/todigra/


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