
Press Start Journal Call for 2019 Editorial Board

Press Start Journal is looking for up to eight new volunteer Editorial Board members. Board members are expected to:

  • Guide submissions made to Press Start through the editorial process. This will involve:
    • Assigning appropriate reviewers
    • Following up with reviewers as required
    • Providing authors with the results of the review process, including a summary of reviewers’ comments
    • Following up with accepted authors from whom reviewers have requested revisions
    • Completing all of the above tasks in a timely fashion to ensure publication deadlines set by the Editor are met
  • Review submissions to Press Start when necessary
  • Answer queries from authors and prospective authors via the Press Start Facebook Group
  • Communicate with other board members about submissions and Press Start matters in a group chat (Facebook/Discord)
  • Take part in Editorial Board conference calls e.g. by Skype/Discord (every few months/ usually no more than four times per year)
  • Promote the journal online, at your local institution, and at relevant events
  • Potentially take part (either in person or online) in academic conference panels/workshops (no more than once a year, if decided as a board to submit)
  • Mentor new editorial board members

Board members should possess good reading and writing skills (Press Start is published in English) and should be able to work independently and reliably to fulfill the duties outlined above in a timely manner.

Please also note that since game studies is a multi-discipline which is enriched by various approaches, board members do not have to identify as game studies researchers.

Eligibility criteria for appointment to the Board are identical to those that govern eligibility to publish in Press Start: Board members must be currently enrolled students, or be no more than one year post-graduation at time of appointment. Appointment to the Board is for at least one year (or the equivalent of at least two issues of the journal) in the first instance; however, we may ask eligible members to remain on the Board, to help ensure continuity and to facilitate knowledge sharing.

To be considered for a Board position, please email the Editor Mahli-Ann Butt at mahli-ann.butt@sydney.edu.au with a short biographical statement (up to 100 words) and a short explanation of what you think Press Start Journal can do for early career researchers starting out in game studies (300 words). Specifically, outlining what you see as valuable or what makes a good review, as well as what you would like Press Start be able to do for students – including people of colour, non-male students, and second-language writers needing to publish in English. We encourage nominations, references, and letters of support from supervisors. You may also submit your CV along with your statement.

Priority will be given to those who have previously reviewed for, or published with, Press Start. You can register as a reviewer here. We are aiming to have the new Board in place by April 2019. Please submit your statement and bio by March 1. If you have any queries, you can message our friendly Facebook group here, or please send Mahli-Ann an email at the above address. Do feel free to share this announcement.

For the avoidance of doubt, this is not a paid appointment! It is a voluntary position, which provides excellent experience of working on an inclusive peer-reviewed publication, should look great on any CV or resume, and will help build our academic community of early career games researchers.

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