
Reminder: [JVWR] Call for Editors — “Augmented Mind”

Call for a prime editor, co-editor(s), and papers on “Augmented Mind“, for a special issue of the Journal of Virtual Worlds Research to be published 2018 Q2.

Motivation and Scope:

The JVWR seeks to develop a special issue dedicated to an exploration of the Min

d as an umbrella concept of research with relations to virtual worlds.

Suggested topics may include but are not limited to the following concepts:

  • Mindfulness
  • Flow
  • New ways of teaching
  • Psychology
  • Digital media studies
  • Games of the mind
  • Relevant hardware
  • EEG / fMRI

Call for Prime and Co- Editors:

We are looking for a prime guest editor (with potentially one co-editor) to manage the process. This is a great opportunity to influence the state of our field.

You will:

  • Develop a detailed call
  • Review and decide on abstracts and full papers
  • Coordinate reviewers
  • Use our publication system — extensively (be versed also with Google docs, Skype, and other current tools.)
  • Be a deadline-targeted & taking-charge person.
  • Work as single editor or add one or more co-editors.
  • Able to write a short intro including your view / vision / insight on the field.
  • Get the academic credit as an editor.

Please reply by August 15, 2018, to info@jvwresearch.org with an academic CV and a cover letter listing your publishing and editing experience.

If you have colleagues who may be interested in becoming editors or co-editors, please feel free to forward this call further.

Call for Papers:

For papers, kindly email your ideas on the topic, abstracts, or send us your feedback. This will also help us develop the call.

Deadlines and Timeline:

To be announced

Full papers will be reviewed by expert referees using the JVWR double-open policy. Double-open policy means that in general, authors do not need to anonymize their papers, and reviewers’ identities are also known to authors. For more details about it see JVWR site –> About JVWR –> For Authors –> Our double-Open Policy.

Further Information:

The Journal of Virtual Worlds Research (#TheJVWR) (http://www.jvwresearch.org/) is an online, open access academic journal that engages a wide spectrum of scholarship. We welcome contributions from the many disciplines and approaches that intersect with virtual worlds research.

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