Special issue “Religion in Digital Games” now available

The editors of “online – Heidelberg Journal of Religions on the Internet” (http://online.uni-hd.de) are pleased to announce the publication of the special issue “Religion in Digital Games” featuring a multitude of exciting scientific perspectives on videogames as new research focus in Cultural and Religious Studies by authors from many different disciplines. It includes articles on theory and method as well as case studies with a focus on both game content and the player.

We hope the articles assembled in this issue will contribute to encouraging further academic debate on the topic of religion in digital games and help openig up the field for even more motivated and enthusiastic scholars and research projects.
The journal is keen to collect high quality scholarship on issues relating to religions on the Internet and welcomes submissions pertaining to all aspects of theses matters anytime to be published in our next issue scheduled for fall 2014! Of course we will gladly consider the publication of further articles related to religion and video games as well as any other topic fitting the scope of the journal. Submissions and queries should be send to the following address: <online.religion@zegk.uni-heidelberg.de .
Best regards
Simone Heidbrink & Tobias Knoll
(editors of the special issue)

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