Reminder: DiGRA Elections – Did you get your ballot?
A reminder to all that we are currently having special elections for the DiGRA board. If you did not receive a ballot, it is likely because you have not paid […]
DiGRA Special Elections 2015
Below is the list of candidates for the positions open this term for DiGRA (VP, 2 open seats). Ballots and voting information will be sent separately to active DiGRA members. […]
DiGRA 2015 Board Special Elections
This year we are having special elections due to several DiGRA Board members timing out of their positions. According to the Bylaws, individuals can only serve in a position for […]
Book: Diversity of Play
Based on the keynote lectures held at DiGRA2015, the publication “Diversity of Play” provides a critical view on the current state of digital games from theoretical, artistic, and practical perspectives. With an interview […]
DiGRA 2015 Full Papers now in the Digital Library
The full papers from DiGRA’s most recent general conference (DiGRA 2015) are now available for download and reading in the digital library. Enjoy! http://www.digra-old-site.local/digital-library/forums/12-digra2015/
Videos of DiGRA2015 Keynotes now Available
Thanks to the local organizers, the DiGRA2015 keynote presentations are now available for viewing online (after the jump)
DiGRA UK Meet-up (June 6, 2015)
Esther MacCallum Stewart writes: DiGRA UK will be having a meet-up at the Ludo Lunch in Oxford on the 6th June, which is co-hosted by Nia Wearn. It’s a family […]
May 21 DiGRA Flanders Meeting (2015)
We are pleased to announce the next DiGRA Flanders meeting in the Ghent City Museum (STAM). Where? STAM, Bijlokesite, Godshuizenlaan 2 – 9000 Ghent (Belgium).
Notice of DiGRA’s Annual General Meeting
Below is notice of the DiGRA general meeting, to be held at the Luneburg conference on May 17, 2015.
DiGRA 2015 Conference Program Online
DiGRA2015 will take place in Lüneburg/ Germany from 14th to 17th May 2015. The programme features a selection of some 40 paper presentations, 80 abstract presentations and 17 workshops and […]
Workshop: Crossing the Game-Art boundary / May 13th at the Centre for Digital Cultures, Leuphana University
The workshop is organised by the team of the Gamification Lab (organiser of the DiGRA conference) in conjunction with the Leuphana Arts Program. The event should be particularly convenient for those who […]
Well Played 4(1) out now: Video Games, Value and Meaning (from DiGRA14 and GLS)
ETC Press is excited to announce the release of the first issue of the fourth volume of Well Played: a journal on video games, value and meaning, co-edited by Sean […]