DiGRA Diversity Survey
The DiGRA diversity working group is seeking feedback about how to improve DiGRA’s inclusiveness and diversity as an organization. Specifically, we are interested about how to optimize opportunities and participation […]
The Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) has as a central goal the support of an international conference on digital gaming. Nine world conferences have taken place, the first in Utrecht, […]
Announcement: The Proceedings of the 1st International Joint Conference of DiGRA and FDG are now available online
Hello, The Proceedings of the 1st International Joint Conference of DiGRA and FDG are now available online in the DiGRA digital library: http://www.digra-old-site.local/digital-library/forums/13-digra-fdg2106/ These are the full paper proceedings (abstract […]
DiGRA Election Results
hi all, It’s my pleasure to announce the new DiGRA board of officers. We had all open seat nominations run unopposed (apart from the Student Officer position, which the two […]
2016 DiGRA Board Elections
This year we are having regular elections for several DiGRA Board member positions. According to the Bylaws, individuals can only serve in a position for four years, after which elections must be […]
News/ Announcements: Call for Distinguished Scholars
The DiGRA board has approved establishing the following program. Please feel free to self-nominate or nominate others. We look forward to announcing the inaugural members in Scotland!
DiGRA/FDG registration open!
Registration is open for the First Joint International Conference of DiGRA and FDG.
Pitching Event of the Dutch DiGRA chapter
Some years ago DiGRA.nl organized several meetings where researchers could discuss issues related to game research, and could meet to think about possible ways of collaboration. Now, there is a new Pitching […]
CfP: DiGRA Australia symposium
Academic work on games and play in Queensland is being conducted within a wide variety of disciplines and from an even broader number of conceptual and analytical approaches. DiGRAA Brisbane […]
CfP: The 3rd Annual Chinese DiGRA Conference
“Decoding the Academic-Industrial-Gameplay Complex: Digital Game Practice, Research and Study in China, Taiwan and Chinese-Speaking Regions”
New Issue of ToDiGRA: From the Inaugural Australian DiGRA Conference
Special issue editors Marcus Carter, Thomas Apperley, Laura Crawford, Martin Gibbs, and Bjorn Nansen bring us a special issue of ToDiGRA, reporting on the inaugural Australian DiGRA conference.
1st Joint International Conference of DiGRA & FDG 2016
For the first time, the Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) and the Foundation of Digital Games (FDG) will partner in an unprecedented gathering of games researchers. We invite researchers and […]