CfP: In and Out of Art History: The Video Games Conundrum @ The Association of Art Historians Annual Conference 2016
The deadline for proposals for our session In and Out of Art History: the Video Games Conundrum is coming up soon. Details can be found here:
1st Joint International Conference of DiGRA and FDG
For the first time, the Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) and the Foundation of Digital Games (FDG) will partner in an unprecedented gathering of games researchers. We invite researchers and […]
CfP: “Concerns about Video Games and the Video Games of Concern”, Jan 20–22, ’16 (ITU Copenhagen)
This conference brings together academics whose research in one way or another deals with the myriad concerns that exist in and around video games: addiction, violence, misuse in online games and […]
CfP: Playing with Worlds | Worlds of Play (Cologne, Germany)
For our workshop, which is set for March 11-12, 2016, we would like to invite international master’s and doctoral students from the different fields of the humanities to come to […]
CfP: Different Games Conference 2016
Different Games invites participants for its 2016 edition at NYU’s Polytechnic School of Engineering, located in Brooklyn, NY, on Friday April 8 and Saturday April 9.
CfP: Narratologically-Inspired Models for Interactive Narrative Workshop @ICIDS2015
The field of Interactive Digital Storytelling has largely underexplored the wealth of narrative theories. Therefore, this workshop aims at gathering both AI researchers and narratologists, with the shared goal of […]
CfP: Seventh annual conference of the Association for Research in the Fantastic
There is hardly any subject in contemporary literary, cultural, and media studies that is discussed and researched with as much controversy as “the fantastic”. Since theoretical debate on the subject was initiated in the second half […]
CfP: The Video Games Conundrum (AAH 2016)
This session will explore the possibility of theorising video games in relationship to and within art history. The session aims to locate and investigate questions such as: Can we identify […]
CfP: Workshop on Game UI Design, Evaluation, and User Research @ IEEE GEM 2015
The community of video game researchers has been rapidly evolving for the past few years, extending and modifying existing methodologies used by the human-computer interaction (HCI) community to the environment […]
CfP: Silver Gaming at the Second International Conference on Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population 2016
Eugène Loos writes… I am involved in the organization of the Second International Conference on Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population http://2016.hci.international/itap that will be held jointly with […]
West African Gaming Expo 2015
West African Gaming Expo aims to introduce educational gaming, game designing, game development and game playing to the local African community. Like previous events, Over a 3 day period, WAGE […]
CfP: Control Conference Applied Games Summit 2015 (Utrecht, Oct 1)
The Control Conference 2015, the Holland’s premier game development event, invites game researchers to submit proposals to contribute to the Game Research Showcase that will be part of the Applied Game […]