CfP: Games+Learning+Society 2015, University of Wisconsin-Madison
The Games+Learning+Society Center and the University of Wisconsin-Madison are excited to announce that the 11th annual Games+Learning+Society (GLS) Conference will be held on July 8-10, 2015, in conjunction with the […]
CfP: CHI2015 Workshop – Crossing Domains: Diverse Perspectives on Players
HCI involves diverse fields, all of which have differing approaches to players, experience, and the impacts of games on players. For example: User Research, Sociology, Psychology, Interaction Design, etc. This […]
CfP: Eurographics workshop on intelligent cinematography and editing 2015
Call for papers: Eurographics Workshop on Intelligent Cinematography and Editing (WICED 2015), Zurich, May 4, 2015. Co-located with the 36th annual conference of the European Association of Computer Graphics.
CfP: Replaying Japan 2015 (Kyoto, Japan)
Replaying Japan 2015 set to take place at Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto on May 21 -23 2015. This conference will be themed around Nintendo and the Nintendo Entertainment System in […]
CfP: FDG 2015: Call for Workshops (deadline: 12/31)
The conference workshops are full-day and half-day sessions focused on emerging game-related topics. These workshops provide an informal setting for new developments to be presented, discussed and demonstrated. Workshops can […]
CfP: 6th AISB AI & Games Symposium
The AI & Games Symposium acts as a meeting place for researchers and practitioners from academia, education and industry who are involved with the design, development and evaluation of AI […]
CfP: CCC 2015: 6th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC)
Computational Creativity is the art, science, philosophy and engineering of computational systems which, by taking on particular responsibilities, exhibit behaviours that unbiased observers would deem to be creative. As a […]
CfP: GECCO 2015: Digital Entertainment Technologies and Arts (DETA) Track
Arts, music, and games are key application fields for evolutionary computation, computational intelligence, and biologically inspired techniques. The digital entertainment technologies and arts (DETA) track invites submissions describing original work […]
CfP: The Building Blocks of Life: A Minecraft Colloquium (Concordia University, Canada)
This one-day colloquium is geared towards graduate and undergraduate students currently researching the video game Minecraft (Mojang, 2009). Minecraft has attracted a huge and diverse audience on account of its […]
CfP: GAS 2015, Games and Software Engineering workshop
The 2015 Games and Software Engineering workshop (GAS 2015) explores issues that crosscut the software engineering and the game engineering communities. Modern games entail the development, integration, and balancing of […]
CfP: CHI’ 15 Workshop, “Crossing Domains: Diverse Perspective on Players”
HCI involves diverse fields, all of which have differing approaches to players, experience, and the impacts of games on players. For example: User Research, Sociology, Psychology, Interaction Design, etc. This […]
CfP: Digital Heritage meets Interactive Storytelling 2015
Proposals are invited for twenty-minute papers presenting ongoing research, and ninety-minute hackathon style workshops at the interdisciplinary conference: