CfP: Doctoral Consortium @FDG2015
FDG 2015 invites PhD students to apply to the Doctoral Consortium, a unique opportunity to present their work and receive feedback from fellow students and senior faculty in game research. […]
CfP: Joint Conferences on Serious Games (SGDA and GameDays 2015)
Recently, Serious Games became very popular, not only as research area, but also as promising ‘tool’ for a broad spectrum of application domains, ranging from game-based learning, simulation and training […]
CfP: 4th ICSE Workshop on General Theories of Software Engineering (GTSE 2015)
If you’re interested in the relationship between game development and software engineering or game development from a systems perspective, please consider submitting to this workshop. It may not seem like […]
CfP: CHI 2015 Workshop Embarrassing Interactions (submit by Jan 2)
No matter whether mobile devices, ubiquitous computing, intercultural human-computer interaction (HCI), public interfaces, interactive art, experimental games, social computing, or robots and virtual agents: wherever new technologies disturb or merge […]
Keynotes for DiGRA 2015
We are glad to announce that 4 brilliant scholars/artists have confirmed giving keynote presentations at DiGRA2015 in Lüneburg/ Germany in May next year.
CfP: CHI 2015 Workshop Gamifying Research (submit by Jan 2)
From social sciences to biology, gamified applications and games are being increasingly used for research: as “petri dishes” for observing behavioral dynamics; as sources of ecologically valid and/or “big” user […]
CfP: 9th European Conference on Games Based Learning – ECGBL
This is a first call for papers for the 9th European Conference on Games Based Learning, hosted by Nord-Trondelag University College, Steinkjer, Norway on 8-9 October 2015.
CfP: Canadian Game Studies Association Conference (due Jan 31)
The 2015 Canadian Game Studies Association (CGSA/ACÉV) annual conference will be held June 3-5 in Ottawa, Ontario in conjunction with the Congress of the Humanities & Social Sciences. This year’s […]
CfP: Foundations of Digital Games 2015, Asilomar, California
We invite researchers and educators to submit to FDG 2015 and share insights and cutting-edge research related to game technologies and their use. FDG 2015 will include presentations of peer-reviewed […]
CfP: GI-Dagstuhl-Seminar Entertainment Computing and Serious Games
Young researchers (up to postgraduate level) in the field of entertainment computing and serious games are invited to apply for participation in an international 5-day seminar (July 5th – July […]
CfP: GAMEON’ASIA 2015, March 25-27, 2015, Ghent University, Incheon, South-Korea
The aim of the 5th Asian GAME-ON Conference (GAME-ON ASIA’2015) on Simulation and AI in Computer Games, is to bring together researchers and games people from ASIA and the rest […]
CfP: Games User Research Summit 2015
The Games User Research Summit 2015 is proud to announce its annual call for participation. This year’s summit will take place in San Mateo, California, the day before GDC. Please […]