CfP: Multiple Approaches to Game Analysis Workshop (3-4 May, ’16)
Espen Aarseth (IT University of Copenhagen), Emmanuel Guardiola (Cologne Game Lab, TH-Köln) and Jussi Holopainen (Centre for Game Design Research, RMIT University/RMIT Europe) invite you to apply for a workshop […]
Call for Conference Hosts: CEEGS 2016 and 2017
The Central and Eastern European Game Studies conference (CEEGS) Steering Committee is seeking hosts for the 2016 and 2017 annual conferences.
CfP: CHI 2016 Workshop on Pervasive Play
The infusion of mobile and collaborative technologies into our everyday lives enables new forms of pervasive games and play. We use the term pervasive play as shorthand for technology-mediated, playful […]
CfP: Charting the Digital: Play, Discourse, Disruption (8-9 Oct,’16)
Whether a navigation device that adjusts its route-display according to where the driver chooses to go, or a map in a computer game that is co-produced by players’ input, digital […]
CfP: CHI 2015 Workshop – Lightweight Games User Research for Indies and Non-Profit Organizations
Lightweight Games User Research for Indies and Non-Profit Organizations at the ACM CHI 2015 Conference May 7th or 8th, 2016 in San Jose, CA, USA
Job: TT Game Creation and Interactive Storytelling – Bloomfield College
Bloomfield College invites applications for a full time, tenure track position, at the rank of Assistant Professor in the division of Creative Arts & Technology. We are seeking a skilled […]
CfP: 1st International Conference on Game Jams, Hackathons and Game Creation Events (ICGJ2016)
Foaad Khosmood writes: We are proud to announce the first-ever conference on game jams to be held as a one-day event in Berkeley, California on Sunday, March 13, 2016. There are multiple […]
CfP: HCI Goes to the Zoo (CHI2016 Workshop)
Marcus Carter writes: I’m co-organizing a workshop at CHI 2016, May 7-12, on ‘Human-Computer Interaction in the Zoo’, and we’re very open to Game Studies research related to zoos. If […]
1st Joint International Conference of DiGRA & FDG 2016
For the first time, the Digital Games Research Association (DiGRA) and the Foundation of Digital Games (FDG) will partner in an unprecedented gathering of games researchers. We invite researchers and […]
CfP: 22nd CRIWG conference 2016
22nd CRIWG conference 2016 Kanazawa, Japan Sepember 14-16, 2016
CfP: Poetics of the Algorithm, University of Liège, Belgium, Jun 16-18 ’16
Poetics of the Algorithm: Narrative, Digitality, and Unidentified Media is an international, bilingual conference hosted by the University of Liege (Belgium; 16-17-18 June 2016) with a focus on interactive fiction, […]
CfP: Money and Games seminar, Tampere, 18-19 April, 2016
Money and Games is the 12th annual spring seminar organized by University of Tampere Game Research Lab. The seminar welcomes any and all scholarly work on the intersection of money […]