CfP: ICEC 2015 (IFIP – International Conference on Entertainment Computing)
ICEC2015 – International Conference on Entertainment Computing 30 Sept – 2 Oct, 2015 Trondheim, Norway http://icec2015.info/
CfP: 8th Game and Entertainment Technologies (GET) 2015
8th International Conference on Game and Entertainment Technologies 2015 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 22 – 24 July 2015 (http://www.gaming-conf.org/) Part of the Multi Conference on Computer Science and […]
CfP: Blank Arcade Exhibit at DiGRA: Deadline 2/28/15
Blank Arcade arrives in Germany after its successful 2014 edition in Salt Lake City, Utah.Blank Arcade: Games out of Joint is more than just a sequel, mod or expansion pack. It revisits […]
CfP: British HCI 2015 (position & full paper deadline 2nd March)
Dear colleagues, although not solely games-related, I would like to draw your attention to the British HCI conference to be held in July in Lincoln, UK. http://hci2015.bcs.org
CfP: International Symposium: “Towards a graphic culture : studying drawing”
Philippe Marion (Louvain-La-Neuve university, Belgium) and Benoît Berthou (Sorbonne Paris Cité University, France) are Comics specialists. They’re organizing in June an international symposium in Florence (Italy). It’ll focus on drawing and […]
Videos from Macquarie University’s Workshop on Games, Ethics, and War now Available
Videos of the talks from the “Workshop on Games, Ethics, and War” held at Macquarie University (Sydney, Australia) on November 24, 2014 are now available on YouTube. The workshop was […]
CfP: Games for Health Europe 2015
Games for Health Europe, the European partner of the Games for Health network, is proud to announce its fifth annual conference, taking place in Utrecht, the Netherlands, in October 2015!
CfP: Workshop on Game Jams, Hackathons and Game Creation Events (co-located with FDG 2015)
Game jams, hackathons and similar group game creation events have become increasingly popular. They provide convenient environments for collaborative game development throughout the world. These events are run in a […]
CfP: Learning from Video Game Music
The Ludomusicology research group will be hosting a two day conference on video game audio to take place on the 9th and 10th of April, 2015 at Utrecht University. We […]
CfP: Spring Thing 2015
The Spring Thing is a long-running online event in the interactive fiction community, newly revamped this year to focus on celebrating new works and bringing authors and games from different communities together.
CfP: Adult Play Seminar, Tampere, 11-12 May, 2015
People of all ages engage in play activities, yet play is still easily associated with children. The rhetorics of play are often tied to ideas of progression; play prepares and […]
CfP: GenderIT 2015 – Advancing Diversity (University of Pennsylvania)
In IT and technology-related fields at large, diversity has been a longstanding and troubling issue. Particularly, girls, women and minorities continue to be underrepresented in these fields; few engage in […]