CfP: 1st Int. Workshop on Cloud Gaming Systems and Networks (C-Game 2014)
The aim of this workshop is to provide a forum that brings together multimedia researchers and practitioners from various facets of multimedia topics and allows them to have active discussions […]
CfP: NASAGA 2014, October 8-12 (Baltimore, USA)
The North American Simulation and Gaming Association (NASAGA) is a community of practice of trainers, educators, game designers and facilitators working on the design and implementation of serious games, simulations, […]
CfP: 6th International Conference on Intelligent Technology for Interactive Entertainment (Intetain 2014)
Creativity is a widely accepted concept loosely referred to as a resource or a capacity to bring about ideas and visions transformed into a body of work. Creativity encompasses making, […]
CfP: Toys and Language and Communication (2014) (Portugal)
23-25 July 2014 : Braga, Portugal http://itratoyresearch.org/ITRA_Conference_2014_CfP.pdf
CfP: Audio Mostly, Oct 1-3 2014, Aalborg University, Denmark
Audio in all its forms holds tremendous potential for interaction design. Sound can engage, inform, convey narrative, dramatize, create attention, affection and adventure. However, the abilities to interact with computer […]
CfP: European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL14)@HTW-Berlin
We (the University of Applied Sciences HTW Berlin, Germany) hope to be able to welcome you to the 8th European Conference on Games Based Learning (ECGBL 2014) – October the 9th-10th 2014. The conference will be […]
CfP: African Game Conference 2014 (Lagos, Nigeria, Nov 20-21)
With the emerging gaming landscape on the African continent, Africa’s game development indies often struggle to find the necessary support to develop and compete with favourably with its counterparts in the […]
CfP: CGAMES 2014 Louisville
You are cordially invited to participate in CGAMES’14 international conference through paper submission, workshop or special session organization, tutorial, invited speaker, demo, poster, a doctoral thesis, exhibition, panel discussion, or […]
CfP: First International Workshop on Cloud Gaming Systems and Networks (C-Game 2014)
July 14/18, 2014, Chengdu, China (https://sites.google.com/site/icmecgames2014/ ) In conjunction with IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME 2014) http://www.icme2014.org/ Online gaming systems, which mix various multimedia such as image, video, […]
CfP: Game-Based Learning in Systems Thinking (Vienna, 22-25 April 2014)
Game-based learning is one of the current buzzwords almost everywhere, even if the successful examples are few and far between. The worldwide systems movement could greatly benefit from a critical […]
CfP: (Chinese) Game Studies Conference
We are pleased to announce the ‘(Chinese) Game Studies Conference’, to be held at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China, April 19th-20th 2014.
CfP: Sport, Play and Game (Utrecht, the Netherlands, 7-10 July 2014)
“All play means something” (Johan Huizinga, 1938) In recent decades, sport as a social practice has become relevant in many different spheres: in health, economy, politics, education, work and leisure. […]